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Mr Belkhir SAYAH, Author (Andromeda)
My origins are from the African continent
I apologize for the bad English translation because I don't speak English

Script: Andromeda
In English / En Français
Copyright Andromeda.
Project Andromeda
In English / En Français
The Andromède project will be the most beautiful work of science-fiction of all time.
150 millions of nuclear missiles from the galaxy of Andromeda.
Gregorian's songs, during all the nuclear bombing on the entire solar system, 65 million years ago that would have caused the brutal disappearance of dinosaurs on earth, the destruction of the planet Venus, and the planet Mars and of his moon became Phobos & Deimos.
an example of the scene of the professor at the origin of the new theory of a nuclear extinction of the dinosaurs, in the great hall of the United Nations in front of all the countries of the world.
Under the pressure of the United Nations becoming all the countries of the world and broadcast on all the television channels of the whole world Professor Saint-clair, will have to explain his discovery and his theory on the brutal disappearance of the dinosaurs, according to his theory by Nuclear bombardment throughout the solar system.
In the Andromeda film a new rational explanation of the speed of light and the number Pi (3.14) linked with the pyramids of Giza will be revealed in the film Andromeda.
The locations of the movie Andromeda.
On the plateau of Giza, Egypt, on the site of Petra, in Jordan, and on the site of the Vredefort Dome, South Africa, and at New York city.
In the Great Hall of the General Assembly at the United Nations Headquarters.
The magical moments of the Andromeda film will be in the Great Hall of the United Nations, a rational explanation of the speed of light related to the pyramids of Giza, and the twin sisters genetically designed by the sages on Andromeda who will be the (key of light) which allow to activate the firing for the departure of the 150 million nuclear missiles of the galaxy of Andromeda.
The arches that allowed the survival of their species in other worlds.
Thanks to princesses Lina, and Norie, who secretly managed to conceal among the 150 million automated Arches nuclear missiles containing the human and animal genomes to allow the survival of their species in other Worlds.
One of his Arches arrived in our solar system and he is at the origin of the appearance of the human and animal species on the earth.
Thanks to the deepfake technique. the role of the 2 twin sisters in the role of the keys of light will be given to 2 twin sisters of an Amazonian tribe begin the Yamurikuma tribes, in the scene which will be at the end of the film by Andromeda, the 2 twin sisters we were created genetically by the wise men on Andromeda they are the keys of light which will allow the genetic activation for the departure of the 150 million Nuclear missile towards our galaxy and in direction of our young solar system.
In reality, the 2 Amazonian twin sisters in the film Andromeda, this will raise awareness of all the nations of the world of the importance of saving all the forests of the Amazon.
The music for the very moving scene which reveals the origin of an old legend about andromeda (the legend of the keys of light) a legend old of 20 thousand years.
Music for the Andromeda Film
African Gregorian chant, during all the Nuclear bombing on the entire solar system, 65 million years ago that would have caused the brutal disappearance of dinosaurs on earth, the destruction of the planet Venus, and the planet Mars and of his moon became Phobos & Deimos.
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